IP telephony

Virtual telephony – is an important tool for effective and successful business development. It provides additional opportunities for building an internal corporate communication system. Digital signals that transmit voice messages, multimedia files, and other data can be transmitted from a PC, computer to a tablet or smartphone, or between phones. The information is converted into compressed packets that are decoded upon reaching the destination.

IP telephony systems are actively replacing traditional networks, as they can significantly reduce the cost of long-distance and international calls. While the service is inexpensive, it guarantees excellent communication quality, as the signal is not distorted regardless of the distance between the interlocutors.

Як функціонує IP-телефонія

IP telephony for organisations provides subscribers with a connection wherever there is network access. The better the quality and speed of the connection, the clearer the communication. The interlocutors will quickly understand each other, and they will not need to clarify important information several times. A landline or mobile phone uses a wire or SIM card to connect to the network, while IP telephony devices use special settings provided by the provider to access the Internet.

An important privilege of the virtual telephony system is mobility. Customers can make calls from anywhere in the world with Internet access. The rates in this case do not depend on the location of the caller.