Office virtualization


Office virtualization

Virtualization — is a technology that simulates hardware functions to create software IT services such as application servers, storage, and networking.
  • Allocation of resources

  • Constant availability

  • Increased insulation

  • Security

  • Improved administration

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Types of virtualization:

Server virtualization

In server virtualization with the help of a hypervisor, physical servers are divided into several virtual servers, each of which runs its own operating system. This makes it possible to fully utilize the capacity of physical servers and significantly reduce hardware and operating costs.

Network virtualization

Network virtualization completely reproduces the physical network and makes it possible to run programs in a virtual network in the same way as in a physical network. At the same time, operational efficiency is increased and dependence on equipment is eliminated. (Network virtualization provides the connection of workloads to logical network devices.

Virtualization of workplaces

The most important area of application of virtualization technologies is the creation of user workplaces, when the main workload is occupied by a common server, and the user sees only the image of the virtual PC on the screen of the access device. This technology is called VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure).


Advantages of virtualization

With the help of new technologies, virtualization can:
• organize the work of employees in different operating systems;
• provide individual software packages for employees or departments;
• ensure a high level of security (especially in the VDI environment);
• organize unified workplaces that are not demanding on physical resources;
• save human resources (IT engineers) on setting up employees' workplaces.


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60 Broadfold Dr, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB23 8PP

Work time:

Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 6:00 pm